Bad Jokes

Bad Joke #9

Did you hear about the invisible man who went to the doctor?
He's still waiting to be seen.

Sun 29.12.24

Bad Joke #8

Did you hear about the claustrophobic astronaut?
He needed some space.

Mon 02.05.22

Bad Joke #7

I like my ceiling.
It's not the best, but it's up there.

Mon 21.03.22

Bad Joke #6

What did the ocean say to the beach?
Nothing, it just waved.

Wed 09.03.22

Bad Joke #5

What is big, gray and does not matter?
An irrelephant.

Thu 24.02.22

Bad Joke #4

There are three types of people;
those who know how to count, and those who do not.

Wed 23.02.22

Bad Joke #3

Whiteboards are remarkable.

Thu 17.02.22

Bad Joke #2

Don’t spell part backwards.
It’s a trap.

Wed 16.02.22

Bad Joke #1

When life gives you melons,
you might be dyslexic.

Mon 14.02.22